
Can I Contribute to Two Retirement Plans?

By Sean Condon, CFP®’

Have you ever considered opening a second retirement account? In this video, Sean Condon answers a question from many employees: Can I contribute to two retirement accounts? The answer may be yes, and Sean explains how. Watch the video to learn more.

Click here to read more about contributing to two retirement plans:

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About Sean

Sean Condon is a wealth advisor with more than a decade of industry experience. He specializes in helping entrepreneurs build a culture of financial confidence by offering their employees unprecedented access to a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional. Taking an owner’s approach, Sean does his best to understand the many elements of clients’ entrepreneurial journeys. He works in a technically competent and caring manner to reduce clients’ anxiety about money issues and serves as a fiduciary by always putting his clients’ best interests first. Learn more about Sean by connecting with him on LinkedIn or simply book a time here:

Perritt Capital Management, Inc. is the Registered Investment Advisor for Windgate Wealth Management accounts and does not provide tax advice. Consult your professional tax advisor for questions concerning your personal tax or financial situation and your insurance agent for insurance advice.

Data here is obtained from what are considered reliable sources. We consider the data used to be relevant and reliable.

First published July 2024.

Past Performance does not guarantee future results.

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